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4101 Rutherford Road OLT appeal begins

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The 4101 Rutherford road appeal is going to begin on Tuesday, November 9th, 2021.  The Case management conference is open to anyone.  You can use the following information to get there.

The Case Management Conference is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at
10:00 am, and will take place by videoconference using the following details:
Meeting Link:
Access Code: 912-494-069

Attached here is the actual notice. Notice of Case Management Conference – 4101 Rutherford Rd (01809736xCDE1C)

Vaughan Council sends 4101 Rutherford Road Redevelopment to Mediation

By City of Vaughan, Public Hearing

Thank you to all the Weston Downs Residents!  Your passionate letters and deputations made a difference.  On May 18th, through a closed door session, council ratified the motion from the Committee of the Whole meeting of May 11th, 2021, to send the 4101 Rutherford Road landowner and the Weston Downs Community to an LPAT-led Mediation.  Mediation will allow the community, the city, and the landowner to negotiate for a building that will respect the character of the Weston Downs Community. Council committed that if LPAT-led Mediation fails, they will reject the proposed plan.

Prior to the May 11th Committee of the Whole Meeting, Vaughan City planners had recommended that City Council approve the landowners proposal.  On May 11th, City Council had the option to approve or reject the proposal.  City Council deferred its decision and sent it to LPAT-led mediation in order to allow the stakeholders to arrive at a compromise.  Prior to the May 11th Committee of the Whole meeting the landowner had already appealed his case to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT – formally the OMB).

Potential Design

Proposed Building

Velmar Condo Proposal will be voted on by Council May 12, 2021 at 1:00PM

By City of Vaughan

The community has just received notice that the City of Vaughan Planners have released their report on the 4101 Rutherford Road redevelopment proposal.  The actual report can be found here:


Unfortunately the City Planners are recommending that the proposal be accepted by the city.

The WDRA and the local councilor have met with the developer and City Planners to voice the communities concerns.   We delivered a number of issues that we requested the Developer and the City Planners address before they issued a final report.  Our recommendations:

  • Ensuring that the appearance and structure of the building respects the character of the community.
  • Increase size of units to 3 bedroom to achieve Family-friendly units.  Currently 70% of the units are 700sqft 1 bedroom + Den.
  • Replace overhanging balconies and replace them with “Juliette” style balconies.
  • Reduce the FSI of the building from 2.74 which grossly exceeds the 1.5 FSI in the approved Vaughan Official Plan 2010 (VOP2010).
  • Reduce the 6 story height which exceeds approved height in the VOP2010 by 50%.
  • Address parking issues.  Only 3 of the 231 spots are above ground.
  • Address the traffic issues which will compound our current problems with infiltration.
  • etc…

Over the past few weeks the local Councilor and city planners met with the developer and had made great strides to improve the quality and character of the building.  We understand that these discussion ended when the Councilor attempted to address the height and FSI of the building.  The landowner and his agent abruptly ended the discussion and completely pulled the improved design.

To put this into perspective the following images show the progression of the building since the builder submitted his initial proposal back in 2019.  The landowner is now using Version 3.

Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

Version 4

Version 5

Version 6

We need your help!

We only have a few days left before Wednesday May 12th to let the councilors know that they should not approve this proposal.  We have collected some key letters that have been submitted by the WDRA and residents for you to draw points from.  The reference material can be found in our document library in the Reference Material\Reference Letters sub folder.  Here is a link to the document library.

Remember that the Property Owner is in his right through the VOP2010 to build a 4 story mixed use building.

Here is a list of email addresses of the city councilors that you can use in your emails/letters:

Please ensure that you copy the city clerk @

Register to speak Live to Mayor Bevilacqua and Members of Council on Wednesday, May 12th

To speak live via teleconference to Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council at the meeting on Wednesday, May 12th at 1pm, you must register to sby 12 noon on the day prior to the meeting.

To pre-register to speak, send a completed Request to Speak form (PDF) to or call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281. For additional details about submitting a communication or speaking live, visit

Working together we can make a difference!

Velmar Road and Rutherford Road Condo to be brought forward on April 13th, 2021 – We need your Help!

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Our local Councillor, Rosanna De Francesca, attended our March Weston Downs Ratepayers Association (WDRA) board meeting and informed us that the Velmar and Rutherford condo application will be brought forward on April 13, 2021. Besides our councillor’s verbal notice, we have not received any official correspondence/notice regarding the Wednesday, April 13, 2021 meeting where Vaughan Council will decide on this application.

This email is to inform you of this impending Wednesday, April 13, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting where the developer will be seeking approval of his proposed six-storey condominium with a density of 2.74 FSI and 135 condo units.

We have attached a link where you may find the documents regarding his re-submission up to December 2020. As of today, we have not received the comprehensive staff report that will be presented on April 13, 2021.

The WDRA will be opposing the approval of this six-storey condominium and will be urging Council to reject this application. We encourage you to send your comments to the City of Vaughan Council, Planning Department, and City Clerks Department at the email addresses listed below. If you have any information or comments that the WDRA can incorporate in our opposition, please email me directly at

York Region Committee of the Whole Meeting – Planning for Employment and Employment Conversions

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81 Blackburn Blvd., Woodbridge, Ontario, L4L 7J5
(905) 850-1767

March 12, 2020

Committee of the Whole
Region of York
c/o Regional Clerk
17250 Yonge Street
Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z1

Attention: Regional Clerk and Members of the Commitee


Committee of the Whole Meeting – March 12, 2020
Item H.2.3 Planning for Employment and Employment Conversions
Report dated February 28, 2020
From the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Planner

The Weston Downs Ratepayers Association (WDRA) represents a residential community of 1876 homes, bounded by Rutherford Road to the north, Langstaff Road to the south, Weston Road to the east and the National Estates to the west. On behalf of WDRA, we would like to express our support of the York Region Planning Staff recommendations with respect to the employment conversion requests V6, V9 and V10, located in the City of Vaughan.
The employment conversion request V6 is located in the Weston 400 employment area, adjacent to Highway 400, on the south side of Langstaff Road. We concur with staff’s assessment that these lands are part of a larger connected employment area and that the introduction of non-employment uses will affect the viability of future and existing surrounding employment. As well, we agree with staff’s position that this site, which is visible from and adjacent to Highway 400, will contribute to the goods movement corridor. Any conversion of this property will inhibit its economic development potential and it is contrary to the Regional and Provincial Planning objectives.

The employment conversion request V9 is located in the Weston 400 North prestige employment area north of Langstaff, between Weston Road and Highway 400. We oppose the request to change these lands from Prestige Employment to Employment Commercial – Mixed Use. Prestige Employment provides the opportunity for higher paying career jobs, rather than low paying commercial/retail jobs. We need to protect the future jobs of our children.
The employment conversion request V10 is located in the Vaughan Mills Centre Employment area, specifically located in the area north of Langstaff, east of Weston Road and west of Highway 400. We support staff’s position that this large sized employment site should be protected to support a diverse range, size and mix of employment opportunities. This large 39-hectare area is adjacent to the Highway 400 goods movement corridor.
The subject lands in V6, V9 and V10 are invaluable prestige employment lands considering:

  • All three are adjacent to Highway 400, which is a goods movement corridor.
  • All three are within walking distance of the Regional roads: Rutherford, Weston and Langstaff enabling the workforce living in Vaughan to easily travel to this employment area, using either private or public forms of transportation.
  • All three are within a short travel distance of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, which will soon have a high density of potential workforce.
  • All three sites are within a larger contiguous employment area and the introduction of non-employment uses will negatively impact the viability of existing and future adjacent and surrounding employment uses and spur future conversions in these adjacent employment lands further depleting employment opportunities for the citizens of Vaughan.

In conclusion, all of the lands east of Weston Downs, between Weston Road and Hwy 400, are currently zoned employment lands. Employment lands are zoned for the type of companies that bring career type jobs to the citizens of Vaughan. Many Vaughan citizens are tired of long commutes to work, as we are becoming known as Vaughan, the Bedroom Community. Our Mayor in a recent publication, Celebrate Vaughan, Our City, Our Home sends a message to the citizens of Vaughan concluding that “With values rooted in hope, optimism and determination, we are leading with purpose, making Vaughan one of the best places to live, work and play.” The live and play is being achieved, but the work still requires a lot of work.

Do not deplete any of our employment lands. These changes will take away future career type jobs that result from the development of employment lands and instead replace them with no jobs (residential buildings) or lower pay retail type jobs (commercial buildings). Say NO to changing the prestige employment lands. The citizens of Vaughan need prestige employment lands to attract companies where our citizens and their children can have careers and not minimum wage jobs, in their own community.

The citizens of Vaughan want to Live, Play and WORK in Vaughan. Please do not give in to these developers, who have requested the conversion from employment to residential/mixed-use or commercial-mixed use. The developers want to capitalize on the high profits that are being generated on building condominiums at the expense of future employment for our children and the citizens of Vaughan. Protect our employment areas so that we can Live, Play and WORK in Vaughan.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours truly,

Weston Downs Ratepayers Association


Nadia Magarelli
Co-president, Weston Downs Ratepayers Association
Victor Lacaria
Co-president, Weston Downs Ratepayers Association
Rose Savage
Co-president, Weston Downs Ratepayers Association

Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca statements from Public Hearing – September 17, 2019

By City of Vaughan, MIchael Tibollo, MPP

The Ratepayers association has been hearing a lot of questions about the outcome of the Public Hearing on September 17th, 2019.  Specifically what were the action items that Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca spoke to at the end of the meeting.  We’ve decided to post the last part of the Public Hearing which specifically has the Councillor speaking.  We’ve also provided a synopsis of the Councillors statement.

  1. The Council endorsed staff and regional council to attend the community events around the Velmar Property Development.
  2. Councillor DeFrancesca recognizes that there is a serious issue with traffic and congestion and that Council has to do better by the community.  The Mayor has created a number of Task Forces to address issues.  Councillor DeFrancesca herself will be heading up the task force that will be looking at Traffic and Infrastructure in the community.
  3. The Councillor confirmed that there are No current applications for development at the Astona Plaza or the Starbucks Plaza.
  4. Councillor DeFrancesca has NOT made any decision on this application.  Neither for or against it. She stated that we need to follow the process. She has stated that she needs to hear all sides and has to have a full discussion around this development.
  5. The Councillor took offence to the letter from the Minister of Housing Steve Clark to our MPP, Michael Tibolo.  The letter can be read in its entirety here.  In the letter the Honorable Steve Clark states that the Municipality decides on what is to to be built.  He also stated that its is up to the municipality to ensure that what is built is in character with the surrounding community.  Councillor DeFrancesca stated that regardless of the decision that is made by council it can be overturned by the province through LPAT and therefore it is ultimately out of their hands.
  6. The Councillor stated that she wanted to work together with the community but that the community has to understand all the risks (ie: that LPAT may overrule any decision made).
  7. The Councillor invited the community to reach out to her if they have any question and she would happily respond.

So the Councillor did have some valid points.  However, it is the City of Vaughan Council’s job to listen to its constituents.  Regardless of how LPAT and the province deals with things, it is up to Council to vote on the Velmar Development on its merits and all its warts.  It is currently in violation of a number  of city by-laws.  It does not fit the character of the community.  It sets a wrong precedence for future developments in the community.  It is unwanted by the community.  Our expectation is that the City of Vaughan work with the community and reject this proposal based on these issues. If the developer decides to appeal this to LPAT then it is the responsibility of both the City of Vaughan and the community to fight it at the LPAT.   At that point we move our battle to LPAT.

Let us know what you think.

Hey! What happened to the Notice Sign in front of the Velmar Plaza? Was there a decision made?

By City of Vaughan

Now you see it… And now you don’t.  There has been NO DECISION made for or against the proposed development at Velmar Plaza.  The Owner of the Plaza, also the developer of the proposed Condo Building, has removed the sign.  But he did this against the City Rules.

According to city rules (view able here), the sign was removed prematurely.  It can only be removed if a decision has been made.  The exact wording is as follows:

This is the exact text on page 4.

8.0 Removal of and Amendments to Notice Sign(s)

8.1 The Notice Sign(s) shall be removed within seven (7) days after any one of the following events:

8.1.1 the application(s) is/are approved or refused by Vaughan Council and there is no appeal; or lapses; or is withdrawn

8.1.2 the application(s) is/are approved or refused by the Region of York or the Ontario Municipal Board

Also, the Notice sign has to be clearly visible.  As most residents pointed out, the original sign was hidden behind trees and was not clearly visible.

The ratepayers association has asked for the sign to be returned.

Now its here....

[vc_single_image image=”397″ img_size=”medium”]

[vc_single_image image=”396″ img_size=”medium”]

And now its gone!

[vc_single_image image=”398″ img_size=”medium”]

[vc_single_image image=”399″ img_size=”medium”]

What is going on with the Traffic in Weston Downs?

By Uncategorized

Recently one of the association board members shared a video they took of the traffic along Velmar Drive during weekday rush hour.  It fully demonstrates what we, the residents of Weston Downs, have to put up with on a daily basis.  Weston Rd. north is busy so people now cut through our neighborhood to avoid the traffic.  At this point, I think its arguable whether using Weston Downs as a shortcut actually makes it any faster for people.

Take a look at the video.  It’s Pretty Bad.

Although, the ratepayers association is advocating on your behalf, we need to have every resident reach out to the City of Vaughan and let them know they are not happy with the Traffic.  Call, email, fax your Councillor or the Mayor and voice your concern.  I’ve provided you with contact information below the video.

Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca

Phone: 905-832-2281 ext. 8339

Fax: 905-832-8538
​Council Executive Assistant:
Nancy Tamburini
905-832-2281 ext. 8381

Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua

General phone:
905-832-2281 ext. 8888



Joy Ciafardoni
Council Executive Assistant
905-832-2281 ext. 8787

Michelle DeBuono
Special Assistant
905-832-2281 ext. 8837

Important – How does the Ontario Government see the Velmar Development and our Efforts?

By Uncategorized

The Honourable Michael Tibollo, MPP Vaughan –  Woodbridge has helped to get the Provinces view point on Development in Vaughan.  You can read the letter from Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing letter in its entirety  here.  This is not the Province forcing the Velmar Redevelopment Project upon the City as part of the push to intensify.  On the contrary, It seems to be a push by councillors to push for this Redevelopment Project even though their own constituents are opposed to it.

Quoted from the letter

“It is the Vaughan Official Plan of 2010, not the Province, that provides direction for new development under the Housing Supply Action Plan. The Vaughan Official Plan maintains that in Community Areas with established development, new development must “be designed to respect and reinforce the existing physical character and uses of the surrounding area.”


The Province has made it easier for municipalities to allow growth and intensification.  The Province is also pushing for intensification but it is up the Vaughan Official Plan of 2010 to decide how development happens.  Most importantly, new development must “be designed to respect and reinforce the existing physical character and uses of the surrounding area.”  So in other words… You shouldn’t build High Rises in an area like Weston Downs because high rises do not match the physical character of Weston Downs.

We don’t need a task force to make a decision that has already been made by the Vaughan Master Plan.  No High Rises in Weston Downs.  Let your Councillor know that you are against this!