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By June 2, 2024Uncategorized


STOP the approval of four 32+ storey apartment buildings on Langstaff and Hwy400 (gas station plaza)


Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 5:30 to 9:00pm Drop-in

5:30 – 6:30pm MPP Tibollo will be here to listen to your comments

6:30 – 9:00pm Information, sample objection letters, sign petition


Vellore Community Centre

Community Room

1 Villa Royale Ave, west of Weston Road and north of Rutherford Road


  • MPP Tibollo and the Housing Minister Calandra want individual residents’ input re this MZO.

  • The Mayor is trying to use a provincial Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) which will allow the approval of the apartments without any planning, transportation studies, or public input.

  • MZOs are supposed to be used only for urgent decisions. This is not an urgent proposal.

  • Mayor Del Duca and Councillor Jackson both keep repeating that our community supports

We need to work as community to stop this:


    Submit a comment using your email or comment without registering by Sunday, June 9th.

  • Have everyone in your family sign the petition:

    MPP Tibollo will present the petition to Housing Minister Calandra.

  • Send this information to everyone you know and ask for their support

Here are some ideas of comments you can make, in addition to the ones you have already thought of:

The proposal to use a Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO) for a high-density residential development near Langstaff and the
Highway 400 onramp raises several serious concerns, both in terms of urban planning and community well-being. Here’s
a detailed breakdown of the key points against this proposal:

1. Existing Traffic Congestion

The area around Langstaff and the Highway 400 onramp is already heavily congested. Introducing a high-density
residential development without conducting a thorough transportation study would exacerbate this gridlock, leading to
severe traffic issues and affecting the daily commute of residents and workers in the region.

2. Isolation of Residential Community

The Region of York rightly opposes this proposal, highlighting that placing high-density residential units amid employment
zones creates an isolated community. This area lacks essential residential amenities such as schools, community facilities,
and walkable destinations. The absence of these facilities would significantly impact the quality of life for future residents.

3. Destabilization of Employment Uses

Establishing a high-density residential area in an employment zone can destabilize existing businesses. There could be
compatibility issues, such as noise complaints or operational restrictions, leading to potential conflicts between residential
and employment uses. This can undermine the long-term viability of surrounding businesses.

4. Upward Pressure on Land Values

High-density residential development can drive up land values, which may deter new businesses from setting up in the
area. This could hinder economic growth and job creation, counteracting the intended benefits of employment zones.

5. Inappropriate Use of MZO

Vaughan has designated areas for intensification that are more suitable for mixed-use projects. Utilizing an MZO for this
specific site bypasses the established planning framework, undermining strategic urban development plans. A mixed-use
project in a planned intensification area would better align with the city’s growth strategy.

6. Interference with Highway 400 Onramp

The proposed development abuts the Highway 400 onramp, potentially interfering with this critical infrastructure.
Ensuring safe and efficient access to the highway is paramount, and any development that threatens this should be
carefully scrutinized.

7. Lack of Servicing Allocation

The site has not been allocated servicing capacity under York Region’s 2022 Water and Wastewater Master Plan.
Developing the site at a higher density without proper servicing studies risks overwhelming existing infrastructure, leading
to potential failures in water supply and wastewater management.

8. Municipal Servicing Concerns

The city’s Urban Water Plan has not accounted for the servicing needs of this high-density proposal. Proceeding without
necessary studies and plans could result in inadequate municipal services, impacting both new and existing residents.

9. Geotechnical Concerns

The Region of York has identified this site as an area of concern due to high water table conditions and confined artesian
aquifer conditions. These geotechnical issues could affect foundation and building stability. Approving development
without proper planning studies poses significant risks to construction safety and long-term structural integrity.
Given these points, the use of an MZO to bypass comprehensive planning and studies is highly problematic. It is
essential to adhere to established urban planning processes to ensure sustainable, safe, and community-focused

We need your voice!