Our local Councillor, Rosanna De Francesca, attended our March Weston Downs Ratepayers Association (WDRA) board meeting and informed us that the Velmar and Rutherford condo application will be brought forward on April 13, 2021. Besides our councillor’s verbal notice, we have not received any official correspondence/notice regarding the Wednesday, April 13, 2021 meeting where Vaughan Council will decide on this application.
This email is to inform you of this impending Wednesday, April 13, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting where the developer will be seeking approval of his proposed six-storey condominium with a density of 2.74 FSI and 135 condo units.
We have attached a link where you may find the documents regarding his re-submission up to December 2020. As of today, we have not received the comprehensive staff report that will be presented on April 13, 2021.
The WDRA will be opposing the approval of this six-storey condominium and will be urging Council to reject this application. We encourage you to send your comments to the City of Vaughan Council, Planning Department, and City Clerks Department at the email addresses listed below. If you have any information or comments that the WDRA can incorporate in our opposition, please email me directly at rsalerno@westondownsra.ca.